Monday, February 6, 2012

October 2011

Lucky you. I do have a ONE picture of Spud Harvest. Tyrel wanted me to take it because he finally got a brand new tractor to run. Look at it. Study it. Enjoy it. It's the last picture you will probably ever see of Tyrel running a potato digger because apparently he has more important things to do during Spud Harvest from now on. It's make me very sad though. This is how we met and it was so much fun every year looking back at the memories in October 2002 and comparing them to where we are now. But alas, that is over. I'm not complaining, just sad. (FYI, Tyrel got a promotion. That's why he won't be sitting in a digger anymore.)

Some excitement happened in October.  Okay, I guess it wasn't exciting but kind of annoying...  Jaiden cut her hair.  Ugh, she is our child that does all the things you dread.  (ex. cut hair, poop in bathtub, color of the walls)

Getting her first haircut.  No, we didn't cut the back as short as she cut the side, more tried to blend it as much as it could be blended.

She ended up with bangs and had to wear pigtails for quite a while to hide the short hairs...

Halloween!!  (That's normal Jaiden right there.  She's not crying, just being a weirdo.  lol)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

September 2011

September was pretty uneventful except for Spud Harvest (sorry no pics of that this year..) Oh yeah, and me starting my new business venture.  I decided to start teaching clogging and I just happened to have a very supportive husband who agreed to let me do it.  The problem?   There was no where to teach around here so in August of 2010 (when I had decided to take on this new challenge) I went to Tyrel with the idea of building a garage and using it for a studio.  He agreed (only because he REALLY wanted a garage) but the new problem was that Tyrel didn't want to share his garage with me.... :P  Soooo, he suggested we build a separate studio.  (No arguments from me!!!)  :)
In August of 2011 we ended up with this:
(Yes I took this picture today)

No it didn't take a year to build.  Our contractor was awesome (Fillmore Construction) and they didn't start on it until the middle of June.
This is what it looked like on my birthday (July 7).  They had just put the frame up that day.
The whole thing was finished by the middle of August!  Like I said, Fillmore Construction is awesome!!!  I highly recommend them.

 My studio floor (I did all the painting, Tyrel laid down all the floor)

 The kids playroom.  There is a little more work that can be done but we are kind of too lazy right now...  :)

Bathroom and that second door is where the stairs are to the garage.

I love it.  Yes, I know I'm spoiled.  A better word it blessed.  I am blessed that I have a husband that would support me this much to let me start my own business and build me a studio.  He's pretty much amazing.
My studio is called Camas Creek Clogger and so far it's been really fun.  I have quite a crew of kids I'm teaching. This community has been incredibly supportive also!  Thanks to all of them! 

August 2011

Alright, maybe I can get caught up if I post about 1 month at a time. :)  After that, my goal is to update my blog once a month.  Sound like a lame goal??  Well, I don't think so.  I've decided that I NEED to update once a month.  Not for the people that read it (although I do love that people like to take an interest in my life and read what I write <3 ) but for me and my kids.  I don't keep a journal and my memory sucks so this is the best, easiest, and most fun way that I can think of to record my life.   So please fans, continue to read and make a comment or two because I enjoy reading them.  :)

Now onto the month of August.  It was a big month starting with Abby's 5th birthday!!
P.S.  Ignore the dates on the pictures, they are wrong!

We started the day by going to the zoo with some cousins

               One of the few times that my girls show sisterly love...  :P

<><><> Rapunzel cake the my sister made.  She's pretty amazing.
                                                New bike!

                     FIRST DAY OF KINDERGARTEN!!!!  August 24th
                    Jaiden had to have a picture too....
 First day of riding the bus to school!!!  (ew, I just noticed Jaidens snotty nose.... sorry)

August was also my 10 year High School class reunion!!  Geesh... I'm getting old....

Ladies night at Pizza Pie Cafe

 Some of our class with spouses and, of course, children

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Geez, I haven't updated my blog in quite a while....  I even forgot how to log in!  LOL   Oh well.  I will get everything caught up eventually but for now I just wanted to type what Jaiden said the other day.  That child is always making me laugh.  :)

Me: Jaiden, hurry we need to get Abby from school
Jaiden: I don't want to get Abby...
Me: Why not? She's your sister, we need to get her
Jaiden: No she's not my sister!
Me: Well who is she then?
Jaiden: Daddy's friend...

I had a good laugh over that one.  You have to imagine her saying it in a pouty voice too. 

Later that evening:
Me:  Who ate all the candy?!
Abby:  Not me
Me:  Jaiden did you eat it?
She just stares at me
Me: Where is the candy Jaiden??
Jaiden:  It's in my tummy...
lol, at least she's honest.