Monday, July 19, 2010

Georgetown Lake

I went camping with my family at Georgetown Lake, Mt (Tyrel did not come because he has Scout Camp this week. Darn Scout Camp, he can NEVER take time off to go camping with us because he always has to take a week off for Scouts. ): ). Anyway, I was dreading it just because Jaiden is CrAzY and I had no idea how she was going to do at night, well it turns out that she did AWESOME. She went to bed easily and would sleep until 9:00 am without waking up once at night. She did like to run around and follow the bigs kids too much but other than that, we had a really good time.
(My pictures are a little out of order, this was my last day there)

Isn't it beautiful!

Time to swim (BTW, that's my new hat which I love but Tyrel hasn't seen yet. I'm pretty sure he will make fun of me..... :P )

They are a little c-c-cold now. The water was warm but the breeze cooled them off pretty quick.

Night pictures at the Lake

My dad caught a duck. Not on purpose (although if you were to ask Marissa, she might say otherwise.... lol)

Troy saved the day

Bye, Bye duck

The first day we visited a friend of my Dad's that he went to school with. They live on ranch.

Love the outhouse/flower pot

It is gorgeous where they live. Wouldn't you love to have this view ALL the time!

I love Montana. I wish I could get Tyrel to move there.

Monday, July 12, 2010


I celebrated my birthday last Wednesday and wonderful Tyrel let me order a camera I really wanted. (He also gave me a dutch oven and a dutch oven cookbook which I am really excited to use!) My camera arrived on Friday which happened to be my sis-in-laws birthday, so the pictures are from her party (which I took on my new camera :) ). Happy Birthday Alisa!

(no we do not eat ranch and bbq sauce on our cake) :)

This is my favorite setting on the camera. Everything is black and white except for certain colors. You can choose to bring out whatever colors you want.
Zach in his green shirt

I love this one of Jaiden

I can finally take close up pictures!

Tyrel decided we needed to have a little rodeo. Poor Sophie. :) She went a little crazy and would run around Tyrel. All the little kids (ages 3 and under) got to ride her until they fell off. I only have pictures of Zach and Jaiden but they all had a blast!