So I'm not super into questionaires but I am bored. Tyrel is gone on his man trip and I can't get photosmart to work right now to upload pictures of the kids so I will do this questionaire. (not that any of you REALLY care...) :)
What are your middle names?
His- K
Who is older?
Tyrel but just by 3 months.
How long did you date?
3 months and were engaged for 3 month. I know, sounds like a typical BYU Idaho engagement. (blah) It doesn't count though, he wasn't in school, so there!
Who said I love you first?
Ha, ha. Tyrel. Funny story actually. He said it after dropping me off at my apartment and I just looked at him weird, kind of smiled and walked away.... When I went in my apartment, I said to my roomate Nicole, "I think he told me he loved me but I'm not sure... We haven't been dating that long..." He said it 2 more times before I finally said, "Are you really telling me you love me?" I know I made him feel stupid but it was kind of a shocker for me. It was awhile before I said it back but he was sure persisent. :)
Who is more romantic?
I would say me. Tyrel's idea of romance is riding a snowmobile. lol.
Did you go to the same high school/college?
Where is the furtherest you have traveled together?
Wisconsin to get a rock crusher...
How long have you been together?
Married 7 1/2 years
Do you have any children together?
2 little girls :)
What about pets?
2 turtles and now 2 cats. (one just showed up last week but if she catches mice, she's welcome to stay!)
Who is the smartest?
It depends on the subject but overall I am going to have to swallow my pride and say Tyrel.
Who is the most sensitive?
Who has the worst temper?
This also depends. I can stay calm longer about certains things but I can't keep my temper contained as long as Tyrel.
Who does the cooking?
Me. Tyrel is a good cook though, he just works too much.
Who is more social?
Definitely Tyrel.
Who is the neat-freak?
Again, definitely Tyrel. I'm not a messy person but Tyrel pays WAY more attention to detail than I do.
Who is the most affectionate?
In public, me. At home, Tyrel.
Who is the most stubborn?
EQUAL. We both have too much pride. FYI, that's a bad thing.
Who hogs the bed?
ummmmmm, me....
Who wakes up earlier?
Tyrel usually just because of work but if he gets to sleep in, I am up earlier.
Where do you eat out at most as a couple?
Either Mexican food or a good steak house.
Where do you shop the most as a couple?
Walmart.... ya, i know.
Who is the first to admit they are wrong?
It depends on who is wrong! Like I said, we are both pretty stubborn.
Who proposed?
Who drives when you are together?
Tyrel unless he is too tired.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
I realize questionaires are lame and you just wasted precious minutes in your life reading this BUT if you stayed tuned, hopefully tomorrow (er, technically later today) I will have Halloween and birthday pictures posted.
Recipe of Any-night-of-the-week Fish peppersoup
4 years ago