Monday, July 11, 2011

Packsaddle Lake?

Okay, this title has a question mark because for one, look at the first picture, and for two, I can't remember if that's what it's called for sure... lol.

Yup, the date is right on that picture.  It is July 2 and yes, that is a four wheeler stuck in the snow.  FUN?

I'm kind of a loser and get dirt in my eyes a lot, so I remedy that situation by wear goggles that make me look goofy.  Plus it was bright outside so I obviously needed to wear sunglasses under the goggles.  :)  (My good friend Jen told me I look like a minion from Despicable Me.  thanks. ;)  )

Swinging on the rope swing

Sexy Tyrel.  VERY sexy....

Remember the snow in the first picture??  Now imagine how cold the water is.  He is the only one brave (crazy) enough to jump in.

1 comment:

  1. Ok you are ROCKING the goggles!!! And Tyrel rocks the a different way though =)
