I really need to say what is on my mind right now so if you don't want to listen to me rant, then don't read it. :) I was on my way home this afternoon after my weekly shopping trip to town and I was listening to some talk radio that happened to be about kids, whether to have them or not. Well some idiotic lady called and said that her father told her that back in the olden days people would have 14 to 15 kids so that they could help on the farm (which I half agree with but the other reason was NO BIRTH CONTROL and if I'm correct, I believe men liked women just as much in the olden days as they do now). Anyway this idiotic lady went on to say that since we really don't have farms anymore, there is no reason to have kids. Yes, you read correctly THERE IS NO REASON TO HAVE KIDS. All I can say is oh my gosh, I sincerely hope SHE NEVER HAS CHILDREN because her theory is that they are only around to work for her. I have nothing against people that don't want kids but to say on a nation wide radio broadcast that 'there is no reason to have kids', is she really dumb? I can think of one really good reason, TO REPOPULATE THE PLANET! (the part about not having farms anymore bothers me too but not as much as what she said about kids) Enough of her, I will move on to one more lady that really made my blood boil. This lady is 37 and has never wanted kids and says that her and her husband are extremely happy with not having kids. I think that's great for her and have no problem with that but here is what upset me. She went on the say that all her friends are married with children and all of the husbands have told her they regret having the children because now their wives neglect them. REALLY! I have two things to say to guys that think that, SUCK IT UP and QUIT BEING A WHINING BABY! Their wives are busy now raising THEIR children, so grow up. Maybe they should help their wife out more so she can make time for them and herself. I'm done with my ranting and feel much better now. Since I live on a farm, I think I better have at least 12 more kids and we better make Abby start working now. A 3 year old can drive a tractor, right? :)